What's EarthRanger?
EarthRanger is a software solution that aids protected area managers, ecologists, and wildlife biologists in making more informed operational decisions for wildlife conservation.
Target Persona
Our research focuses on improving the usability of the EarthRanger Mobile App, used by rangers. The target persona that the Allen Institute recognized usability concerns around were security patrol rangers, who often did not speak English or had low literacy rates.
Findings & Severity Ratings
Research Results: Task Completion & SEQ Score
Research Results: SUS Score
We were able to pivot our participant group and still find common usability issues
Despite challenging candidate profile, we recruited participants with experience outdoors or in incident reporting, a commonality with real users
The ideal candidate profile was very challenging to recruit for
Mid-project product updates led to changes in test study
One task required movement, creating challenges for notetaking and moderation
Experienced language barrier with some participants.
It would have been advantageous to test submitting multiple specific report types.
Test with participants sharing culture with actual users to capture feedback on understanding of icons
Test tracking and patrolling in the background while performing other tasks
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